- 05/74 Greeley West High School in
Greeley, Colorado - 06/78 University of Colorado in
Boulder, ColoradoMajor: PsychologyB.A., with Distinction,
Phi Beta Kappa - 06/82 Tulane University School of Medicine in
New Orleans, LouisianaM.D.
- 06/28/82 – 06/30/83 Intern Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
Chicago Lying-In Hospital University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics in
Chicago, Illinois - 07/01/83 – 06/30/86 Resident Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
Chicago Lying-In Hospital University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics in
Chicago, Illinois - 07/01/86 – 06/30/88 Clinical Research Fellow Section of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
Los Angeles County / University of Southern California Medical Center in
Los Angeles, California
- 07/01/86 – 06/30/88 Clinical Instructor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
University of Southern California School of Medicine in
Los Angeles, California - 07/01/88 – 07/14/89 Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine in
Los Angeles, California - 01/15/90 – 01/01/95 Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
University of Southern California School of Medicine in
Los Angeles, California
- 07/88 – 10/89 Cedar Sinai Medical Center 444 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 1101 Los Angeles, CA 90048
- 10/89 – 07/92 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Fertility Services 351 Hospital Road, Suite 316 Newport Beach, CA 92663
- 07/92 – Present Robert E. Anderson, M.D.A Professional Corporation
(self employed) 361 Hospital Road, Suite 333 Newport Beach, CA 92663
- 1991 Diplomate, The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inc.
- 1992 Diplomate, The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inc., Division of Reproductive Endocrinology
- Director, Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine 361 Hospital Road, Suite 333 Newport Beach, California 92663
- Medical Director, Southern California Institute for Reproductive Sciences 361 Hospital Road, Suite 433 Newport Beach, California 92663
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Fellow
- Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART)
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Member
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- California Medical Association (CMA)
- Orange County Medical Association (OCMA)
- Pacific Coast Reproductive Society (PCRS), Arrangements Committee Chairman – 1992 – 1993
- Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI), Member
- State of Illinois License No. 003-036-068097-1
- Federation Licensing Examination Certification No. 561015003
- State of California License No. A42586
- Serono Prize Paper entitled ” Secretory Dynamics of Bioactive and Immunoreactive PRL in PCO.” Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, May 6 – 10, 1987, Palm Springs, California.
- Junior Fellow Prize Paper entitled “Demonstration of In Vitro Binding of Radiolabeled Estrogen by Human Granulosa Cells: A Model for a New Therapeutic Modality in the Treatment of Estrogen Receptor Containing Malignancies.” Presented at the American College of Obstetricans and Gynecologyists District VIII – IX Annual Meeting, August 30 – September 2, 1987, San Francisco, California.
- Serono Prize Paper entitled “Effects of Norethindrone (NET) Used to Program Oocyte Retrieval for In Vitro Fertilization.” Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of th Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 13 – 17, 1988, Palm Springs, California
- Practicing Physician Prize Paper entitled “A Randomized prospective comparison between Pergonal (hMG) and Metrodin (h-FSH) superovulation in Leuprolide (L) suppressed patients undergoing and assisted reproductive technology (ART).” Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 25 -29, 1990, Scottsdale, Arizona.
- Practicing Physician Prize Paper entitled “Transvaginal Ultrasound Guided Embryo Transfer Improves Outcome in Patients with Failed IVF Cycles.†Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, April 25-29, 2001, Rancho Mirage, California.
- Clinical Science Award (Nominee) entitled “Blastocyst inner cell mass and trophectoderm grading lends to euploidy predictability. Upcoming presentation at the 31th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction & Embryology , Lisbon, Portugal
- Title: Diclofenac Potassium: A Double-Blind, Comparative Study of Diclofenac Potassium (With and Without a Loading Dose) Vs. Naproxen Sodium Vs Placebo in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea Granting Agency: CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Proposal No.: M6115S Principal Investigator: Robert E. Anderson, M.D.Period of Support: 10/01/89 – 07/01/90
- Title: A Double-Blind Crossover Study to Evaluate the Dose Response of Meclofenamate Sodium in Comparison with Ibuprofen and Placebo in Relieving Primary Spasmodic Dysmenorrhea Granting Agency: Warner-Lambert Corporation Proposal No.: 934-144 Principal Investigator: Robert E. Anderson, M.D. Period of Support: 11/01/30 – 06/01/92
- Title: Prospective Egg Banking Trial Using Donor Eggs to Compare the Efficiacy of a Novel Vitrification (VTF) versus Modified Slow-Freezing (SF) Protocol to Cryopreserve Oocytes Granting Agency: EMD-Serono Proposal No.: 0529-08 Principal Investigator(s): Robert E. Anderson, M.D.; Mitchel C. Schiewe, Ph.D. Period of Support: 5/29/08 – 5/28/10
- Silva, P.D., Paulson, R.J., Anderson, R.E., and Lobo, R.A. Ectopic pregnancy in unrepaired distal tubal remnant after contralateral tubal anastamosis. Fertil. Steril. 1987; 47:522-523.
- Anderson, R.E., Ben-Rafael, Z., Meloni, L., Flickinger, G., Barnes, R.B., Rosen, G.F., and Lobo, R.A. Secretory dynamics of bioactive and immunoreactive prolactin in polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil. Steril. 1988; 49:239-243.
- Anderson, R.E., Serafini, P., Paulson, R.J., Sauer, M.V., and Marrs, R.P. Detection and management of pathologic, non-palpable, cystic adnexal masses. Hum. Reprod. 1990; 5:279-281.
- Anderson, R.E. and Holt, J.A. Binding of radiolabled estrogen by human cells in vitro: Implications to the development of a new diagnostic and therapeutic modality in the treatment of malignancies with estrogen receptors. Gynecol. Oncol. 1989; 34:80-83.
- Sauer, M.V., Vermesh, M., Anderson, R.E., Vijod, A.G., Stanczyk, F.Z., and Lobo, R.A. Rapid measurement of urinary pregnanediol glucuronide to diagnose ectopic pregnancy. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1988; 159:1531-1535.
- Sauer, M.V., Anderson, R.E., and Paulson, R.J. A trial of Superovulation in ovum donors using uterine lavage. Fertil. Steril. 1989; 51:131-134.
- Anderson, R.E., Cragun, J., Chang, R.J., Stanczyk, F.Z., and Lobo, R.A. A pharmaco-dynamics comparison of human urinary FSH (hFSH) and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO). Fertil. Steril. 1989; 52:216:216.
- Sauer, M.V., Anderson, R.E., Vermesh, M., Stone, B.A., and Paulson, R.J. Spontaneously resorbing ectopic pregnancy: preservation of hCG bioactivity despite declining immunoreactive hormone. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1989; 161:1673-1676.
- Anderson, R.E., Stein, A.L., Paulson, R.J., Stanczyk, F.Z., Vijod, A.G., and Lobo, R.A. Effect of norethindrone (NET) on gonadotropin and ovarian sterioid secretion when used for cycle programming during in vitro fertilization (IVF). Fertil. Steril. 1990; 54:96-101.
- Kerin, J.F., Daykhovsky, L., Segalowitz, J., Surrey, E.s., Anderson, R.E., Stein, A.L., Wade, M., and Grundfest, W. Falloposcopy: A microendoscopic technique for visual exploration of the human fallopian tube from the uterotubal ostium to the fibria using a transvaginal approach. Fertil., Steril. 1990, 54:390-400.
- Anderson, R.E., Nugent, N.L., Gregg, A.T., Nunn, S.L., Behr, B.R. Transvaginal ultrasound guided embryo transfer (TVGET): A novel technique, which improves outcome in patients with previous failed IVF cycles. Fertil., Steril. 2002, 77:769-775.
- Slepko, N, L Griparic, V Vargas, K Burgee, A Patel, P SantaCruz, B Anderson, M Schiewe, R Gonzalez and F. Silva. A putative mesenchymal stem cells population isolated from adult human testes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2009; 385:570-75.
- Schiewe, MC, JB Whitney and RE Anderson. Potential risk of monochorionic dizygotic twin blastocyst formation associated with early laser zona dissection of group cultured embryos. Fertil Steril 2015; 103:417-21.
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderson, NL Nugent, MC Schiewe. Euploidy predictability of human blastocyst inner cell mass and trophectoderm grading. Annals Clin Lab Res 2015; 3:4-7.
- Schiewe, MC, S Zozula, RE Anderson, GM Fahy. Validation of microSecure vitrification (mS-VTF) for the effective cryopreservation of human embryos and oocytes. Cryobiol 2015; 71:264-72.
- Schiewe, MC, C Rothman, A Spitz, PE Werthman, SI Zeitlin, RE Anderson. The practical implementation of human testicular tissue in vitro culture for the optimization of whole tissue cryopreservation and subsequent post-thaw viability. J Asst Reprod Genet (2016, In Press). doi: 10.1007/s10815-016-0659-7
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Single center validation of routine blastocyst biopsy implementation. J Asst Reprod Genet (2016); 33:1507-13. doi:10.1007/s10815-016-0792-3 (Royan Society: International Research Award Nominee for Reproductive Medicine/scientific contribution in 2017)
- Schiewe MC, E Schiewe, VN Vu, S Zozula and RE Anderson. Liquid nitrogen vapor sealing of straw containers can be unsafe and detrimental to embryo survival. Austin J Reprod Med Infertil (2016); 3:1038-1041. ISSN:2471-0393
- Nagy, ZP, RE Anderson, EC Feinberg, B Hayward, MC Mahony. The Human Oocyte Experience (HOPE) Registry: evaluation of cryopreservation techniques and oocyte source on outcomes. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2017); 15:10- . doi: 10.1186/s12958-017-0228-7.
- Schiewe, MC and RE Anderson. Vitrification: the pionneering past to current trends and perspectives of cryopreserving human embryos, gametes and reproductive tissues. J Biorepository Sci Appl Med (2017); 5:1-12.
- Schiewe, MC, S Zozula, N Nugent and RE Anderson. Human oocyte-like germ cells derived in vivo from testicular tissue of a Klinefelters’ patient: A case report. Med Res Achieve (2018); 6 (2):1-8 doi: org/10.18103/mra.v6i2.
- Gordon, C, JB Whitney, I Hatch, NL Nugent, S Zozula, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Patients of advanced maternal age should only transfer a single euploid blastocyst. J Reprod Endocrinol Infertil (2018); 4(2):1-4. doi: 10.15761/COGRM.1000211.
- Schiewe MC, JB Whitney, N Nugent, S Zozula, RE Anderson. Human blastocyst development: A randomized comparison of sibling zygotes cultured in Vitrolife G-TL™ to Life Global® single-step media. J Preg Reprod (2018); 2(4):1-3. doi: 10.15761/JPR.1000144
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderson, N Nugent, S Zozula, MC Schiewe. Day 7 blastocyst euploidy supports routine implementation for cycles using preimplantation genetic screening. JBRA Asst Reprod 2019;23(1):40-45. doi: 10.5935/1518-0557.20180089
- Anderson RE, JB Whitney, MC Schiewe. Clinical benefits of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) for all in vitro fertilization treatment cycles. J Eur Med Genet 2019; 62: in press.′
- Schiewe MC, S Zozula, NL Nugent, JB Whitney, I Hatch, CT Lee, RE Anderson. Systematic development, validation and optimization of a human embryo culture system. Reprod Med. 2020; 1:1-14. doi:10.3390/reprodmed1010001
- Anderson, RE. Transvaginal ultrasound-guided embryo transfer. In: Allahbadia G, Tomas C, editors. Embryo Transfer. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2003.
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderson, NL Nugent, MC Schiewe. Blastocyst inner cell mass and trophectoderm grading lends to euploidy predictability. 17th World Congress for Reproductive Medicine, Berlin, Germany. Giornale Italiano di Ostetricia e Ginecolognia 2015; 36(6):603-606.
- Mileikowsky, G., Anderson, R.E., Chen, D., Siegel, M., and Lobo, R.A. Radionuclide hysterosalpingo tomogramphy (RHST) for the evaluation of the reproductive tract in infertility. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, September 27 – October 2, 1985, Chicago, IL.
- Anderson, R.E., Ben-Rafael, Z., Meloni, L. Flickinger, M., Barnes, R.B., Rosen, G.F., and Lobo, R.A. Secretory dynamics of bioactive and immunoreactive PRL in PCO. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, May 6 – 10, 1987, Palm Springs, CA.
- Silva, P.D., Paulson, R.J., Anderson, R.E., Werlin, L.B., Stein, A.L. and Lobo, R.A. Ectopic pregnancy in contralateral tubal remnants after unilateral tubal anastamosis: Preventable and unpreventable causes. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific CoastFertilitySociety, May 6 – 10, 1987, Palm Springs, CA.
- Anderson, R.E. and Holt, J.A. Demonstation of in vitro binding of radiolabled estrogens by human cells: A model for a new therapeutic modality in the treatment of estrogen receptor (ER) containing gynecologic malignancies. Presented at the American College of Obstetricans and Gynecologists District VIII – IX Annual Meeting, August 30 – September 2, 1987, San Francisco,CA.
- Anderson, R.E., Serafini, P., Paulson, R.J., and Marrs,R.P. Medical suppression of non-palpable cystic adnexal masses detected by vaginal ultrasound: Pathological implication of failure to respond. Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, September 28- October 2, 1987, Reno, NV.
- Anderson, R.E., Cragun, J., Chang, R.J., Bhasin, S., Stanczyk, F.Z., Vijod, A., and Lobo, R.A. Pharmacodynamics of human urinary FSH (hFSH) and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) in PCO and normal women. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, March 17 – 20, 1988, Baltimore, MD.
- Matteri, R.K., Stanczyk, F.Z. Kaufman, F.R., Vijod, A.G., Anderson, R.E., and Lobo, R.A. Measurement and comparison of circulating C19 sulfates and glucuronides in normal and hirsute women and men. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, March 17 – 20, 1988, Baltimore, MD.
- Anderson, R.E., Stein, A.L., Paulson, R.J. and Lobo, R.A. Effects of norethindrone (NET) used to program oocyte retrieval for in vitro fertilization. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 13 – 17, 1988, Palm Springs, CA.
- Matteri, R.K., Stanczyk, F.Z., Kaufman, F.R., Chenette, P.E., Anderson, R.E., Gentzschein, E., and Lobo, R.A. Androgen sulfates as markers of peripheral androgen action in hirsutism. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 13 – 17, 1988, Palm Springs, CA
- Anderson, R.E., Cragun, J., Chang, R.J., and Stanczyk, F.Z. Pattern of hormonal responses to human urinary FSH (hFSH) and human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) in PCO and normal women. Presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, June 8 – 11, 1988, New Orleans, LA.
- Anderson, R.E., Paulson, R.J., Sauer, M.V., and Lobo, R.A. Evidence supporting the routine use of GnRH agonist (GnRH-a) during ovarian stimulatio for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 8 – 13, 1988, Atlanta, GA.
- Vermesh, M., Silva, P., Rosen, G., Stein, A., Fossum, G., Anderson, R.E., Sauer, M.V., Vargyas, J., Lobo, R.A., and Mishell, D. Management of unruptured ectopic pregnancy by linear salpingostomy: An extended, prospective clinical trial of laparoscopy (LSC) versus laparotomy (LAP). Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 8 – 13,1988, Atlanta, GA.
- Kerin, J.F., Stein, A.L., Surrey, E.S., and Anderson, R.E. Differential endocrine responses to exogenous gonadotropins, utilizing the pituitary desensitization or initial agonist effects of a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investication, March 15 – 18, 1989, San Diego, CA.
- Levin, J.H. Anderson, R.E., Stanczyk, F.Z., and Lobo, R.A. Characteristics of progestin inhibition of gonadotropin secretion in normal women. Present at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynocologic Ivestigation, March 15 – 18, 1989, San Diego, CA.
- Sauer, M.V., Anderson, R.E., Vermesh, M.V., and Stone, B.A. Comparison of the hormonal characteristics of spontaneously resorbing ectopic pregnancy to ongoing ectopic and intrauterine pregnancy. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, March 15 – 18, 1989, San Diego, CA.
- Anderson, R.E., Stein, A.L., Surrey, E.S., Bower, J., Marquez, B., Rask, M., and Kerin, J.F. Factors affecting the outcome of intrauterine insemination cycles. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 12 – 16, 1989, Palm Springs, CA.
- Kerin, J.F., Surrey, E.S., Anderson, R.E., Stein, A.L., Segalowitz, J., Daykhovsky, L., Grundfest, W., and Wade, M. Falloposcopy: Microendoscopy of the human fallopian tube from the utero-tubal junction to the fimbria using a trans cervico-uterine approach. Presented at the VI World Congress of In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, April 2 – 7, 1989, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Kerin, J.F., Surrey, E.S., Anderson, R.E., Stein, A.L., Daykhovsky, L., Segalowitz, J., and Grundfest, W. A trans cervico-uterine microendoscopic technique (falloposcopy) for recognition of normal and pathological endotubal surface anatomy. Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of 45th American Fertility Society, November 11 – 16, 1989, San Francisco, CA.
- Werlin, L.B., Ishida, E., Okamoto, D., Elwood, V., Anderson, R.E. and Meyer, J. A randomized prospective comparison between Peronal (hMG) and Metrodin (h-FSH) superovulation in Leuprolide (L) suppressed patients undergoing an assisted reproductive technology (ART). Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 25 – 29, 1990, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Mayer, J., Le, N., Kramer, T., Anderson, R.E., Werlin, L.B. Comparison of three techniques for obtaining functional motile sperm from frozen semen. Presented at the VII World Congress of In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, July 1 – 3, 1991, Paris, France.
- Mayer, J., Elwood, V., Okamoto-Mann, D., Anderson, R.E., Werlin, L.B. Embryo toxicity study of 18 different brands of surgical gloves. Presented at the VII World Congress of In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, July 1 – 3, 1991, Paris, France.
- Mayer, J., Elwood, V., Mann, D., Anderson, R.E., Werlin, L.B. Human Zygotes toxicity study of sugical gloves. Presneted at the 47th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 19 – 24, 1991, Orlando, FL.
- Kramer, T., Mayer, J., Le, N., Elwood, V., Westerhout, S., Mann, D., Anderson, R.E., Werlin, L.B. A prospective randomized study of percoll vs standard semen wash for intrauterine insemination – A significant difference in the clinical pregnancies. Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of th Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April 8 – 12, 1992, Indian Wells, CA.
- Werlin, L.B., Mayer, J., Kramer,T., Le, N. Elwood, V., Westerhout, S., and Anderson, R.E. A prospective randomized study of two methods of semen preparation for intrauterine insemination: A significant difference in the clinical pregnancies between percoll and sperm wash. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 31 – November 5, 1992, New Orleans, LA.
- Mayer, J., Anderson, R.E., Elwood, V., Mann, D., Heaton, J., Kingbury, J., and Werlin, L.B. A perspective randomized study of the effects of peleted versus seminal plasma swim-up protocols on A.R.T. fertilization and pregnancy rates. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, October 31 – November 5, 1992, New Orleans, LA.
- Anderson, R.E., Nugent, N.L., Gregg, A.T., Nunn, S.L., and Behr, B.R. Transvaginal ultrasound-guided embryo transfer improves outcome in patients with previous failed in vitro fertilization cycles. Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Pactific Coast Reproductive Society, April 25-29, 2001, Rancho Mirage, California.
- Schiewe, MC and RE Anderson. A novel approach to embryo vitrification by LN2 vapor storage of stripper tips® in CBS™ high security straws. Proc. Ann. Pacific Coast Reprod. Soc. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 2) , 2008, 89: S23.
- Schiewe, MC, S Zozula, I Hatch, M Kan, T Lee, RE Anderson. Use of miniature Sanyo tri-gas incubators: clinical validation for human IVF. Proc. 64th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 1) , 2008, 90:S432-33.
- Schiewe MC, A Spitz and RE Anderson. The effect of temperature on human testicular tissue to optimize the in vitro maturation of pre-freeze motility. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. , 2009, 21:233 (#271).
- Schiewe, MC, GM Fahy and RE Anderson. MicroSecure vitrification (µS-VTF): simple, safe, sterile, secure and clinically successful. Proc. 65th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 3) , 2009, 92:P384.
- Schiewe, M.C., N. Nugent, S. Zozula and R.E. Anderson. MicroSecure Vitrification (µS-VTF): Clinical Significance in a Cryopreservation Program. 26th ESHRE mtg., Rome, Italy, Hum. Reprod., 2010, 25; Suppl 1: i247.
- Schiewe, MC, N Nugent, S Zozula, J Stachecki and RE Anderson. Donor Oocyte Cryopreservation: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing microSecure Vitrification (µS-VTF) to Choline-enriched CJ3 Slow-Freezing (SF). Proc. 66th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 3) 2010, 94:S117-118.
- Schiewe, MC, N Nugent, S Zozula and RE Anderson. Equivocal success using MicroSecure vitrification (µS-VTF) of blastocysts compared to fresh embryo transfer (ET). Proc. 67th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 3) 2011, 96:208-09.
- Zozula, S, M Zwerling, J Whitney, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. MicroSecure vitrification (µS-VTF): Evaluation of thaw intervals for human blastocysts. Proceeding of AAB/CRB Conference May 2012: 31-32 (Research Award Honor).
- Schiewe, MC, J Whitney, S Zozula, I Hatch and RE Anderson. Cost analysis of vitrification devices related to preimplantation genetic screening and cryopreservation of blastocysts (BLs). Proc. 68th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2012, P-59 (Suppl.).
- Whitney, J, N Nugent, S Zozula, K Duggan, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Trophectoderm biopsy: An optimized PGS biopsy technique to better DNA amplification and embryo selection. Proc. 68th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2012, V-4 (Suppl.).
- Whitney, J, N Nugent, K Duggan, S Zozula, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) cycles may benefit from vitrification of all Day 5 PGS-biopsied blastocysts. Proc. 68th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2012, P-249 (Suppl.).
- Zozula, S, N Nugent, J Whitney, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Analysis of quality control factors and technical compliance on the overall effectiveness of microSecure vitrification (mS-VTF): A 3-year review of BL-VTF/ET. Proceeding of AAB Conference May 2013:1.
- Gioioso, S, I Hatch, J Whitney, R Anderson and M Schiewe. Clinical outcomes following vitrified embryo transfer (VFET) of Day 5 versus Day 6 vitrified blastocysts (BL) stratified by preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). Proc. 69th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2013, O-402 (Suppl.).
- Gioioso, S, I Hatch, R Anderson and M Schiewe. Endometrial lining (EL) thickness and length of estradiol (E2) exposure impacts outcomes after transfer of vitrified Day 5 versus Day 6 blastocysts (BL) in vitrified embryo transfer (VFET) cycles. Proc. 69th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2013, P-841 (Suppl.).
- Schiewe, MC, J Whitney, S Zozula, N Nugent, RE Anderson and JJ Stachecki.. Sodium hyaluronate (HA) supplementation on an I.C.E. DMSO-free blastocysts (BL) vitrification solution supports high survival and implantation of PGS-BL. Proc. 69th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2013, O-351 (Suppl.).
- Schiewe, MC, N Nugent, S Zozula, J Whitney and RE Anderson. Prospective incorporation of vitrified embryo transfer (VFET) cycles into standard patient care: Time to re-educate physicians and patients. Proc. 69th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2013, P-461 (Suppl.).
- Schiewe, MC, RE Anderson, M Kan and S Moayeri. The inconsistency and frustrations of successful oocyte cryopreservation: What is the unpublished truth patients are not being told? Proc. 69th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2013, P-935 (Suppl.).
- Whitney JB, N Nugent, S Zozula, R E Anderson and MC Schiewe. Single embryos transfer (SET) yield equivalent clinical pregnancy rates and higher implantation rates compared to dual embryo transfer (DET) of euploid blastocysts. Proc. 69th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2013, P-504 (Suppl.).
- Zozula, S, L Gamboa, K Waggoner, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Effect of Accidental Warming Intervals on the survival of vitrified human blastocysts. Proceeding of AAB/CRB Conference 2014, Pg. 10 (poster).
- Schiewe, EJ, VN Vu, S Zozula, RE Anderson and MC Schiewe. Liquid Nitrogen Vapor Sealing of Straw Containers can be Unsafe and Detrimental to Embryo Survival: A microSecure™ Re-Vitrification (rVTF) Model. Proceeding of AAB/CRB Conference 2014. Pg. 6 (oral; Research Award Nominee).
- Schiewe, MC JB Whitney, N Nugent, S Zozula and RE Anderson. Vitrified embryo transfer (VFET) success of euploid blastocysts (BL) is similar among morphologic quality grades. 30th Annual ESHRE Mtg., Hum Reprod 2014, 29:i89 (oral).
- Anderson, RE, JB Whitney, S Zozula, N Nugent and MC Schiewe. Euploidy status is independent of Day 5 and Day 6 blastocyst development and subsequent single embryo transfer success. 30th Annual ESHRE Mtg., Hum Reprod 2014, 29 (poster).
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderson, S Zozula and MC Schiewe. The effect of age on implementing only vitrtified blastocyst transfer (VFBT) cycles and the use of euploid blastocysts (BL) to optimize implantation and single embryo transfer (SET). Proc. 70th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2014; 102: e70-71 (O- 205).
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderson, N Nugent and MC Schiewe. Single center validation of trophectoderm biopsy preimplantation genetic screening (PGS)/vitrification of blastocysts improving overall pregnancy success rates compared to non-PGS embryo transfer. Proc. 70th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril 2014; 102:e95-96 (O-279).
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderon, NL Nugent, MC Schiewe. Blastocyst inner cell mass and trophectoderm grading lends to euploidy predictability. Proc. 17th World Congr for Reprod Med; in press.(oral)
- Whitney, JB, RE Anderon, NL Nugent, MC Schiewe. Abnormal cleavage events can be predicitve of blastocyst formation and euploidy: a pilot study. Proc PGSID Conference; Accepted. (oral)
- Schiewe, MC, S Zozula, N Nugent, J Whitney, RE Anderson. Highly effective vitrification of human blastocysts using hyaluronate supplemented, non-DMSO containing solutions and the validation of a modified microSecure vitrification procedure. 31th ESHRE Mtg, Lisbon, Portugal; Hum Reprod 2015; Accepted (Oral)
- Anderson, RE, JB Whitney, NL Nugent, MC Schiewe. Blastocyst inner cell mass and trophectoderm grading lends to euploidy predictability. 31th ESHRE Mtg, Lisbon; Hum Reprod 2015; Accepted (Oral; Clinical Science Award Nominee)
- Zozula, S, RE Anderson, J Blazek, M Large, MC Schiewe. Mosaicism determination with Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) by reanalysis of DNA samples from vitrified euploid blastocyst transfer (VFET) cycles. CoGen Conference, Paris (poster presentation; Award Nominee)
- Zozula, S, MC Schiewe, J Blazek, RE Anderson, A Hartunian, M Large. Reanalysis of failed vitrified euploid blastocyst transfer cycles using next-generation sequencing. Proc. 71st Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2015; 104: e279 (P- 507).
- Whitney JB, RE Anderson, N Nugent, S Zozula, MC Schiewe. Day 7 blastocysts prove beneficial for preimplantation genetic screening cycles. 32th ESHRE Mtg, Helsinki; Hum Reprod (Suppl) 2016; 31:i24-25 (O-056).
- Anderson RE, JB Whitney, K Waggoner, MC Schiewe. Possible patient concerns regarding the blastocyst euploidy rates of donor oocytes. 72nd Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2016; 103:e146 (P-258).
- Whitney JB, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Day 7 blastocyst euploidy and implantation rates warrant implementation for all programs using preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). 72nd Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2016; 103:e168 (P-168).
- Gordon C, JB Whitney, I Hatch, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Patients of advanced maternal age should only transfer one euploid blastocyst: A comparative analysis. 72nd Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2016; 103:e203 (P-258).
- Zozula S, JB Whitney, F Garner, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Striving for one embryo-one baby: How the integration of Vitrification and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) technologies has impacted society. Proc 2017 AAB/CRB Conference. Reprod BioMed Online 2017;35:e6.
- Anderson RE, JB Whitney, MC Schiewe. Lessons Learned From Over 1,100 Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) Cycles: Outcome Analysis. 33rd ESHRE Mtg, Geneva; Hum Reprod (Suppl) 2017; 32:i415(P-612).
- Whitney JB, RE Anderson, C Rios, N Nugent, S Zozula, MC Schiewe. Can blastocyst biopsy technique effect aneuploidy rates? 33rd ESHRE Mtg, Geneva; Hum Reprod (Suppl) 2017; 32:i414-15(P-611).
- Anderson RE, F Garner, S Zozula, JB Whitney, B Shapiro, MC Schiewe. Blastocyst Vitrification and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) have facilitated “freeze-all” cycles: A change in practice management benefitting both the patients and laboratory. 73rd Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2017; 108:e352-53 (P-643).
- Whitney JB, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Routine transfer of multiple embryos is no longer necessary to achieve high rates of healthy singleton births per transfer in women up to 42 years old. 73rd Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2017; 108:e281 (P-454).
- Schiewe MC, S Zozula , R vanTol, A Jones, RE Anderson. Comparative effectiveness of a universal warming/dilution approach to blastocyst vitrification using two different solutions: A randomized study. 34th ESHRE Mtg, Barcelona; Hum Reprod (Suppl 1) 2018; 33:i201 (P-131).
- Rios C, JB Whitney, M VerMilyea, A Jones, A Picou, K Balloch, N Nugent, K Silverberg, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Increased scrutiny of NGS profiles / ranking does not improve eSET implantation of euploid blastocysts: A randomized comparative trial. 34th ESHRE Mtg, Barcelona; Hum Reprod (Suppl 1) 2018; 33:i228 (P-190).
- Anderson RE, JB Whitney, A Jones, CM Rios, Hartunian A, MC Schiewe. Concordance rates among multiple trophectoderm samples and inner cell masses remain high proving the efficacy of NGS for preimplantation genetic screening. 34th ESHRE Mtg, Barcelona; Hum Reprod (Suppl 1) 2018; 33:i121 (O-264).
- Whitney JB, CM Rios, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Induced cellular lysis and increased laser exposure during trophectoderm biopsies can generate low-level mosaic profiles: A prospective study. 34th ESHRE Mtg, Barcelona; Hum Reprod (Suppl 1) 2018; 33:i494 (P-771).
- van Tol R, S Zozula, N Nugent, JB Whitney, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Oocyte cryopreservation: microSecure vitrification (µS-VTF) no worse than the rest, but is it an experimental procedure? Proc 22nd Ann. AAB/CRB 2018 Conference (Oral), Reprod Biomed Online (Suppl 2) 2018; 37:e2.
- van Tol R, JB Whitney, S Zozula, RE Anderson, MC Schiewe. Variable aspects of oocyte freeze preservation outcomes warrant continued investigation. 74th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2018; 110:e184-185 (P-193).
- Schiewe MC, NL Nugent, CM Rios, S Zozula, S Shahbazian, JB Whitney, RE Anderson. 46,XX male? Reality, PGT-A misdiagnosis or laboratory quality management error? 35th ESHRE Mtg, Vienna; Hum Reprod (Suppl 1) 2019; 34:i378 (P-514).
- Anderson RE, JB Whitney, CM Rios, K Balloch, MC Schiewe. Suboptimal oocyte cohort maturity impairs the implantation potential of euploid blastocysts 35th ESHRE Mtg, Vienna; Hum Reprod (Suppl 1) 2019; 34:i268 (P-274).
- Schiewe MC, JB Whitney, S Zozula, N Nugent, T Lee, I Hatch, RE Anderson. Efficacy of a modified microSecure vitrification (µS-VTF) procedure with DMSO-free solutions applied to a biopsy/Vitrification-all/PGT-A program: optimizing single healthy term live births. 75th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 3) 2019; 112:e426-27 (P-820).
- Whitney JB, E Anderson, MC Schiewe. Suboptimal stimulation is predictive of increased aneuploidy and reduced pregnancies per cycle start. 75th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl 3) 2019; 112:e136 (P-73).
- Schiewe MC, S Zozula, N Nugent JJ Stachecki, RE Anderson. Status quo – or is it time to reconsider the vitrification method relative to the risk of embryo disease transmission in cryostorage? 76th Ann. Amer. Soc. Reprod. Med. Mtg., Fertil Steril (Suppl.) 2020 (submitted).