Our Super Clean Room Provides the Best Outcomes by Controlling Air Quality in Our Southern California IVF Lab.
In 2011, we renovated our IVF laboratory and embryo transfer suite to further enhance the success that we have demonstrated as one of the premier laboratories in the country.
A high efficiency air purification system has been installed so that the eggs and embryos are grown, manipulated and stored in a virtual ‘clean room’ environment. This system also disinfects and decontaminates the air using UV light and removes potentially harmful air pollutants (chemicals and organic matter) which may be present. A positive air pressure is maintained to keep particle counts in this room to a minimum (>98% cleaner than normal room air).
Downstream to the IVF Lab is our Andrology/Cryo Lab and then the treatment room hallway. The air which supplies the embryo transfer suites is now HEPA filtered. All carpeting has been removed, which along with the installation of clean room ceiling tiles, helps to keep particle count lower in this important area as well. Finally, we have given everything a sleek, high-tech appearance which is more in line with the nature of the work that is performed there. All in all we can say that the conditions in the lab and embryo transfer suite are the best that technology can offer and will make the environment that the eggs and embryos enjoy as near to that found in the human body as is possible. We expect that this will be reflected in the IVF successes of our patients for many years to come.