Egg Retrieval for Egg Freezing

Exploring egg retrieval for egg freezing

Are you thinking about preserving your fertility by freezing your eggs? No matter your reason for wanting to preserve your fertility, the procedure is always the same. Learn more about how our Southern California fertility doctor performs egg retrieval for egg freezing so that you can start a family when you’re ready.

Why do women freeze their eggs?

The reasons why women freeze their eggs vary. Some women face a serious medical diagnosis like cancer and want to preserve their fertility before undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.

Other times, women decide to freeze their eggs because they want to focus on educational, professional or personal goals. By freezing their eggs, they take some of the pressure off. They can focus on finishing school or finding the right partner instead of fighting the biological clock. Women in their 20s and 30s have the healthiest eggs, so it may make sense to freeze them until the time is right.

The egg retrieval process

First, you will take medications to encourage multiple eggs to grow in your ovaries. Our team will monitor your progress closely with bloodwork and frequent ultrasounds. When the follicles are almost ready, you take a shot of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to give them the final push to maturity. About 35 hours later, our Southern California fertility doctors, Robert Anderson MD and Don Royster MD retrieves your eggs during a minimally invasive procedure in our office. You’ll be under anesthesia and the entire procedure takes about 15 minutes.

You will need to have a partner or friend take you home and spend time with you while the anesthesia wears off. You should rest the day after your egg retrieval, but you can resume normal activities the following day.

What happens next?

After undergoing egg retrieval for egg freezing, one of our highly skilled embryologists carefully examines your eggs in our laboratory for any defects. We only freeze your healthiest eggs, giving you the best chance of having a healthy baby in the future. We’ll give you a full report, so you know exactly how many eggs our team froze.

When freezing your eggs, we use a process called MicroSecure Vitrification. You can have peace of mind, knowing your eggs will be secure until you’re ready to start a family.

Contact us to learn more about egg retrieval for egg freezing with our Southern California fertility doctor so that you can preserve your fertility for tomorrow.

Find Out if You are a Candidate for Egg Freezing


MicroSecure Vitrification

Recently, our Southern California fertility center conducted a laboratory study that compared our MicroSecure Vitrification with the slow freezing method for egg freezing.

Results showed that our vitrification method yielded a survival rate of 90% for egg survival after thawing. Subsequent to thawing, those eggs had an 81% rate of fertilization. After transferring an average of just over two embryos per patient, we achieved a 39% implantation rate, and a 47% rate of live births, resulting in healthy births and babies who exhibited normal patterns of childhood development at their 1-year physical examinations.

Read more about the research study here.